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Traveller Mountain Loop Trail, Baxter State Park

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Shin Brook Falls Trail


Quick Facts

Difficulty moderate
Trail Type mixed
Distance 0.6 miles (1 km)
Estimated Time 30 mins return
Surface Type old road, forested
Elevation Change 135 feet
Features waterfall
Trail Markers none but easy to follow
Scenery Rating beautiful
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception none
Dog Friendly yes
Fees none


Shin Brook Falls Trail


The trail follows an old road that is grown in with alders. The trail continues off the end of a sharp turn in the road on an old ATV trail. When you get close to the stream the trail leaves the old ATV trail and drops steeply into the stream valley. The trail is steep enough to require you to grab onto trees and bushes. There are also ropes to help. The trail comes to the stream below the falls. Follow along the shore and you will soon come to the falls. The waterfall is an impressive 30 foot drop that tumbles across a jagged rock face.

Hill down to Shin Brook Falls

The trail continues up the hill next to the falls and once again is steep and rooty with ropes to help. Once at the top of the falls there are several smaller waterfalls. The trail at this point then goes into the woods and soon comes out to the old ATV trail that follows along the hilltop. Turn left and after a short walk you will be back to where you started.


From the General Store in Shin Pond Village head west on Grand Lake Road towards Baxter State Park. Drive for 4.8 miles (7.7 km) and you find a gravel road on the left. There is usually a sign on a tree pointing towards Shin Brook Falls. Drive in the road and either park along the road in the first opening or farther along the road when it turns sharply to the right.

Shin Brook Falls Trail

On our visit we parked at the first clearing bacause the road beyond this point had large puddles and was grown in with alders. Walk or drive to the point where the road turns sharply to the right. You will find the entrance to the trail straight off the end of the turn.


Episode 7: Scaring Away the Animals at Shin Brook Falls

Other Trails in the area

  • Seboeis River Trail
  • Baxter State Park
    • Trail Last Hiked: May 18, 2019
    • Page last updated: February 16, 2020